UnfoldFest in Cost Rica 2021
In a few short days, something amazing emerges.On September 30, 2021, the we come together to create a community of transformation, contribution, and love. The leaders below are just a few of us who are committed to making a difference in the world from a place of ease, flow and joy. |
Jamie Wheal |
Melanie Weinberger Wonder what life would be like if you could CHOOSE your emotional states in any moment? Melanie is teaching the Unfold community proven tools to do just that - critical for every leader to have in order to get out of their own way and create their vision. |
Kristina McFadden Tango Teacher, Relationship Coach and conversational AI researcher, Kristina will be taking us on a journey through the polarity of relationships as illustrated in Tango and lead us in experiences to create mastery with our inner masculine and feminine energy. |
Erin Hickok |
Alison Tugwell Alison has developed a mind-blowing process that creates profound personal transformation at the deepest levels of ourselves. The result is immediate transformation in the realms that matter to us, like entrepreneurship, creative expression, relationships and more. |
Patrick Cooke Patrick brings the wisdom of play into the Unfold community by teaching us what it has to say about our personal purpose. Both immensely fun and meaningful, Patrick keeps us on the edge of joy as we share our gifts with the world. |
Tera Maxwell Ph.D Do you have a vague sense of the limits people put on you? Or maybe the limits you put on yourself? Tera shines light to what these limits look like and how we can dismantle them to TRULY bring a new version of ourselves as leaders into a world that craves our vision. |
Candace Smith What is life without self-expression and creativity? Candace will be with us as creative glue to not only capture the founding of a community of change-makers, but to encourage our own risky and honest self-expression. |
Daniel Fox Daniel Fox shares the vision of a community that’s anchored in Contribution from Ecstasy. What would the world look like if there were groups of leaders everywhere - all caring for themselves and giving back in a way that circumvents grinding, burnout and strife? This is just a piece of the community we’re creating at Unfold Fest. |
Want to be a part of it? Join us for the festival in Costa Rica soon - apply at UnfoldFest.com |